Monday, August 25, 2008

Welcome to AP Govt 2008-2009

Welcome to the official blog of Mr.Yang's AP Government class for the 2008-2009 school year. Here is an interactive forum for you to read articles and provide valuable input for me and your classmates to read and analyze. You will be required to provide at LEAST 1 post per week (part of your homework grade) after reading the given article. Your post should be about one full paragraph that responds to the article and possibly, the comments of your peers. At the end of your comment, you must put your short ID number so that I can ensure you receiving full credit for the assignment. Remember that this forum will not tolerate any sort of inappropriate language or comments and any misconduct will result in severe consequences.

How to post a comment:
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Type in your ID number


Brianda said...

hey...... So Obama choose Biden .... in my opinion thats good why? Because a person like Obama is not dum and proably though about who should he pick.biden has good expierence in politics and is ready for any kind of circumstance.In the other hand Mc.Cain choose a woman , not that i have anything against that but she has no Obama says "wisdom trumps expierence" thats true.biden has also good expierence in foreign policy issues and that can come in handy .So this is how i see it Obama made a rigth choice and we should thank him for that and McCain didnt.....13755

Secily said...

In my opinion Obama actually thought about who he should choose and he chose a good canidate.Biden he has experience in politics and in foreign policy.As Brianda said he is ready for ant kind of circumstance.Unlike his opponent McCain who chose a woman,who is unexperienced and is brand new to everthing.I don't know if she'll be a good vice president,but a reason McCain chose her is to get more women to vote for him.Personally if I could vote i would chose Obama,that's my opinion.....13395

Nat4President said...

AP kids think too hard...gotta learn to think simple!
its all about the yangsters :D

Dee said...

soo...i think McCain's decision for Palin as VP/running mate was just a campaign was not made to put 'country first'. If thats gonna be his campaign, then maybe he should stick to it, making decisions based off what is best for our country not what will get him into office and have republicans yet again in the white house. in the Republican National Convention, i heard a commentator say that many rep. have been weak speakers but great presidents...he listed a few, and among them, Bush. Everyone knows that if Bush were to run again, he would be wasting his time and be called a joke, so these so called GREAT presidents...we have to consider. I see McCain-Palin as two individuals while Obama-Biden are a team. if something were to happen to McCain, Palin would be inexperienced as far as foreign affairs. im more comfortable knowing that Obama is alongside experience and if anything happened, we still have a strong 'Second in Command'...
(side note:i was very disappointed in the Republican National Covention. i saw it as more of a comedy with an emotional story attatched.i don't want to know about the personage of my president better then how he intends to help me and my country. it just seemed to be more for the votes and tears...)

*Fo sho*

Secily said...

As Margaret Thatcher said"In politics if you want anything said,ask a man.If you want anything done,ask a woman." Not always that is true. Some people underestimate a woman's ability to be/do something.Example Palin, when she took on the party and state establishment about the increase to the oil production tax.So I don't she will be that bad of a vice-president,but who actually knows?.It says"She's a very good campaigner,a quick study and a fighter."So well see in the two remaining months if its really true......13395

Dee said...

So im disappointed to see exact ads which throw each canidate under the bus, however i do understand that politics is consistant with this aspect. many times, i find myself not wholly convinced of each speech and argument by their claims, but rather by their emense or depreciating usage of slashes against the opposing party. I dont believe in slandering someone else to get what you want and thats exactly what politics is all about, while still being about morals. They try to appease you with who they are, AND try to discourage you to the other party by portraying them as imoral and, frankly, who they are themselves. They spen so much time worried about how to make themselves 'look' better and the opponent look horrible, that they miss the entirelty of their 'job' and the aim of getting elected. But, when we live in a world such as ours, its the only appeal that seems to work....i think thats wrong. Without the lies, they have nothing to get caught up in as McCain and, asumingly, Obama have.

Dee said... not gay...its a silly world we live in. but ill tell u, im tired of all the wusses who get all offended over stuff like other people stating their beliefs. i think its smart for the two to keep their personal views out of it, cuz the evidence is all there for people to see that Obama is a-ok with it, and McCain is not. no sense in starting a krazy non-stop debate over an issue that no one will compromise on. its too controvertial. which is why i dnt like when people get offended like that. Political correctness has gone too far, to the point where anything and everything is scrutinized to the point where it seems better to lie or not even talk about the issue...political correctness makes almost any issue taboo. People have a right to an opinion, presidents are people too. i agree no person should have to deal with any kind of descrimination, but when one's own ideas/beliefs are descriminated and hushed, i believe that is wrong. if you believe something, you do not have to be swayed by anyone, or attempt to sway anyone. if someone is looking for an answer, say your peace and let them decide for themselves. will Obama or McCain's views on homosexuality affect their presidency?only if we let it and get our 'political correctness' gets twisted.

Secily said...

I think that gay rights is a big issue.McCain voted against it, while Obama supports it. Ithink McCain doesn't want to talk about because he will anger swing voters and possibly even change some voters mind about choosing him as president. It not right to discriminate based on gender, sex,race,and sexual orientation. Another reason McCain wouldn't like to talk about this issue is because Obama supports it and McCain doesn't want to lose any voters....13395