Monday, August 25, 2008

Editorial #1 Comments due by 8/29 (FRIDAY MIDNIGHT)

In choosing a running mate, every presidential candidate insists that he is seeking above all someone who could serve as president at a moment's notice. Often that assertion is patently preposterous. With his choice of Joe Biden, Barack Obama can make that assurance with a straight face. The six-term senator from Delaware is serious, substantive and sophisticated in his understanding of the world.Political junkies already have generated reams -- and gigabytes -- of commentary about how Biden will or will not complement Obama in his contest with Republican candidate John McCain. We're not so naive as to believe that electoral calculations played no part in this choice. But Biden passes the "ready on day one" test better than most vice presidential candidates. Think of Dan Quayle, the telegenic but callow Indiana senator plucked from obscurity by George H.W. Bush to shore up the support of conservatives. Or Geraldine A. Ferraro, the obscure New York congresswoman selected by Walter F. Mondale because he believed a female running mate would energize a listless campaign.
Biden, who sought the 2008 presidential nomination himself, is often caricatured as a self-important blabbermouth. Like most caricatures, that image has some basis in reality. But it is the same Biden who, as chairman of the Judiciary Committee in 1987, effectively -- and economically -- questioned Supreme Court nominee Robert H. Bork. His questioning elucidated Bork's extreme views in opposition to a constitutional right to privacy, the cornerstone of Supreme Court decisions upholding the right to contraception and abortion. Bork's nomination was defeated on the Senate floor. Biden, currently the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, also is well versed in a range of foreign policy issues. Most recently he has demonstrated a grasp of the intricacies of the political situation in Iraq, although his preferred solution -- a "soft partition" of the country into Sunni, Shiite and Kurdish regions -- never gained traction.In turning to a familiar Washington figure, Obama has opened himself to two criticisms: that he is compensating for his thin resume, much as George W. Bush did with his choice of Dick Cheney, and that the addition of Biden to the ticket undermines Obama's argument that wisdom trumps experience. Obama deserves credit for not allowing these tactical objections to keep him from choosing an impressive partner and president-in-waiting. Instead of attacking Obama's approach to choosing a running mate, McCain should emulate it.


Josh E. said...

Hey Mr. Yang,
Obviously, Obama focused on a qualified, ready running mate Joe Biden, rather than an just picking Hilary Clinton in hopes of winning the election.
Additionaly, I think the tied polls relflect the bitterness of Hilary Clinton supporters losing the nomination to Obama, rather than the sucucess of McCain's "fun" commercials.
Obama wowed the world with his international tour, and now he picks the knowledgeable Joe Biden to have both an impressive resume and astounding rapport. Most importantly, as the economy crumbles, I believe, McCain's campaign crumbles.

-Joshua Escobar

Eric Rivas said...

Hey Mr. Yang,

I would have to agree with Joshua Escobar,even though I understand that if Obama had choosen Hillary Clinton as his running mate he would have a stronger campaign, but Obama needs to be able to trust in one person alone who could lead this country best in the time of need, and that would be Joe Biden. Joe Biden has demonstrated to Obama and Deleware that he is very focused and qualified. Hillary has voiced her opinion that if John McCain is president that it would be bad for our country. Even though Hillary has had that commercial ("supporting McCain"), she announced that she does not support that message and that she is in full support of Obama.

-Eric Rivas

13772 said...

The decision to have selected someone else other than Hilary was a smart move, shows he can make good decisions past his simpathy for hilary...

Its true that Obama is inexperienced, but he does have some qualities that may just help him push him into office, but obama needs hilary's support tonight, and i think it went well...

If McCain was a dem. i would have wanted him to win, but i think this country has had enought rep. in congress for too long...

PS. If con is the opposite of pro...
then is congress the opposite of progress?

-Wilson Rodriguez

13504 said...

I applaud Obama for risking losing some votes and choosing a pugnacious, straight-to-the-point running mate that is not intimidated by John McCain. Having connections to the National Guard and 35 years of experience in senate, Biden is an essential and helpful part to Obama's election.
Moreover, Biden is not a yes-man who will speak out in what he believes in. Lastly, even though Biden may soon be critisized for his slightly unclean history-(the plagiarism conflict,attacks toward Obama when he was running for president)- ultimately, he is still the vital, knowledgeable running-mate that will support Obama and get the job done.

-Marina Castro

Andrea said...

Hi Mr.Yang!
By choosing Joe Biden I believe Obama has definitely strengthened his not quite impressive resume. Besides possessing a way with words Obama's short political life (not even 3 years!) is unimpressive to say the least. Obama's resume pales in comparison to Biden's (Biden has been in congress since Obama was 11 years old!).I think Obama's choice is comforting, but I do not think it was the best strategic choice, politically speaking. Whether this choice will win or lose the election is yet to be determined, but would Clinton have really been a better choice? Politically, strategically, I think she may have been, but if Obama wins I will be glad Biden is his V.P. and not Clinton.

P.S. I love Wilson's comment about progress and congress. I never saw that!

-Andrea M.

Ashley said...

< ashley lingo >If Obama wants to choose Joe Biden as his running man, then let him do so. If Joe Biden has more experience than Obama, then Biden should be more than qualified. I know the role of President is important, but really, if people are claiming up and down that Obama is nothing more than a neophyte, wouldn't the reasonable thing to do is get someone with experience as your running mate? I would like to say that as Colorguard Captain for the Chaffey Colorguard, people were against me just because I wasn’t as skilled as my challengers, and we had a poll in which the students asked the running leaders questions. While everyone else answered “I’m the best choice, rather than the others,” my answer was simple: I don’t claim to be skilled, I don’t claim to be anything, if I don’t know, I’ll go to someone who does, but if I’m leader, I will sure as heck try. I ended up getting the position. What I’m trying to say is this: if someone isn’t good at something, either admit it or get someone who knows to help you. Obama’s done at least one.< /ashley lingo >

-Ashley Diaz, per.4

13861 said...

Bonjour Mr. Yang,
Well I do agree with my fellow classmates,Obama chose a good running mate Joe Biden, instead of picking Hilary Cliton who has much more experience than both Obama and Biden.Hopefully,Obama and Biden are the team that will get the country running normally again. Finally,Hilary will hopefully get her supports to go more towards Obama and not McCain but, I still believe Obama will do fine in the elections.
-Maria Villalobos

Anonymous said...

Hello Mr. Yang,
I agree with alot of my class mates. Obama took a risk on chossing Biden as his running mate. Biden is a very good choice for Obama because he knows the issues the country faces and he is ready to do what it takes to help out this country. I believe that the Clinton supporters will go on and support Obama and this will give him the advantage over McCain. I believe that Obama has a very good campaign and McCain is scared because of this.

-Salvador Vicente

13369 said...

Hey Mr. Yang,
I agree with most of the students but theres some that I disagree with. I applaud Obama for winning the Presidential Nomination eventhough I wanted Hillary Clinton to win. I agree that Obama did chose a good person for Vice-President in his campaign, Senator Joe Biden. I think Obama should of chosen Hillary better since she has great pontential and the experince she needs to serve the people(also a strong women). I hope Obama and Joe Biden, can show us what great running mates they can be together as our next President and Vice-President even if one has more experience than the other.

Ty said...

i agree with most of my classmates, Obama took a major risk for choosing Joe Bidden to be hid running mate and not Hillary Clinton But I do think he contradicts himself because he did say wisdom trumps experiance. But i also belive he is thinking of what is best for the country. Plus this also shows some of his intergity, his willing to loose votes for the better of the country.

Tyaan Haslam

Courtney said...

I do believe that Obama Chose Biden as his running mate just to make himself look better given the fact that he doesn't have much experience in office. Why else wouldn't he have chosen Clinton as his running mate? We know for a fact that if he had done so, he would have the upper hand since there is that 6% of voters who didn't vote for neither Obama nor McCain, but Clinton. Putting Obama in office would be a complete mistake. He has no experience in office and i believe that if he does get into office, he would fail dramatically. Obama is not Presidential material. He is young, inexperienced, and frankly, is not very good at pubic speaking in my opinion. He has many obstacles in his life that could prevent him from being a successful President, including young children. Not only would he have to focus on running our country, but he would have to worry about raising his daughters and being a daddy. So in conclusion, Barrack Obama is not the right candidate for our nation's president.



Josh E. said...
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Josh E. said...

-In response to Courtney's Comment-
It only makes sense for Obama choose a running mate that complements his less experienced sides. Think of it this way: Why would he choose a mini-Obama or an old-mini-Obama? Instead he chooses a running mate (by Hilary's standards) "ready on day one."

Also, McCain probably worries about his health impeding his political career more than Obama does about his children. And his wife could watch over their children.

Obama is inexperienced but that does not make him unqualified. Anyways, Joe Biden and his cabinet will fill any gaps in his resume.

13334 :) said...

I agree to what the response to Courtney was. Yes Obama has less experience in office but that doesn't mean he is less qualified than McCain. I also don't think that having children has anything to do with how
Obama will run the White house.
but anyways i do think it was smart of Obama to choose Biden as his vice president, yes many people waned Hilary as his running mate, but Biden in my opinion is also a good choice seeing that he knows a lot about his country and foreign affairs.

Robert said...

Hey Mr. Yang,

I agree with my classmates when I say Obama made a smart choice by picking Joe Biden as his running mate. Biden is much more experience than Hilary and he knows the issues the country faces. Hopefully the Clinton supporters will support Obama and give him the advantage over McCain.

However, I disagree with Courtney and her theory that Obama is to un-eperienced. JFK was also un-experienced but he was able to boost the economy and make laws to provide more medical care for the elderly and aid education.

-Robert A.

Eric Rivas said...

In response to Courtney,
i believe that you dont need to have put in a great deal of time to be a great leader. As Drum Major, i had choosen to run for a student leadership position in the Chaffey Band, and we had a huge forum to discuss issues and how we felt about certain things. One question that kept surfacing up for me was "how can you run the program, with only 1 years of experience?" my response to this question was: "I have definately shown my loyalty and dedication for this program, and i have 4 years of experience to back me up." This basically relates to Obama and him having little experience in the White House, but he clearly has the loyalty for america and all of its people. And if he is all for the people we cant go wrong with him.

-Eric Rivas
per. 2

Abrianna said...

hi mr. yang
i thought this was a very interesting peace but being perfectly honest i didnt really know all of what it was saying. however i did get some and from what i got i agree with people like marina castro and joshua escobar. obama did take a risk by choosing joe biden as his running mate because he could have taken the easy route and choosen hilary clinton which probably would have sealed the deal on the democrats winning this election. instead he went with who he feels will compliment himself as well as be an outstanding addition to the white house should he win. again i dont know much and i could be completely off here but thats what i took from it.
ok thats bout it...thanks....this was actually a pretty good piece.
-abrianna stubblefield

Courtney said...

Josh, I am not saying it doesn't make sense to choose a more experienced running mate, it is the best idea. McCain may be old, and yes Mrs. Obama could take care of the children, but he still has to be a father. And frankly, when he was speaking to a crowd with his daughters there, they seemed to get in the way to me.

13334, Yes, Obama is much less qualified, experience is a great upper hand, and yes you do have to start at the bottom at somepoint, but Obama is completely jumping the chain of command. He should start at the bottom like everyone else has to.

Eric, you may not need alot of experience to do well, but it is a big help. And you said you have 4 years of experience behind you, so you are contradicting yourself. You do have experience, and he doesn't. And Drum Major is a completely different story then being the United States President and running a whole country. Being all for the people may not always be a good thing. There are things that may not make the people happy but would be better in the long run.


Raul R. said...

hey Mr. Yang
i agree with most of the students, i think Obama made a great decision in choosing joe Biden as vice president instead of choosing Hilary to win some more people, we know they are not as experienced as McCain and Hilary but that shows us that he believes in what he is doing and that looks good on him.

Now lets talk about McCain, he is trying to win people by making Obama look bad instead of winning people by showing what he has to offer us.
we don't want words
and for me McCain is full of them.

Raul Rojas

Andrea said...

In response to Robert A.:
JFK had a lot more political experiance than Obama before running for office...JFK's 13 of political service in congress resoundly beats Obama's 3 years in congress. In fact if you only count years in congress he also beats Hillary.

In response to Courtney:
I would hope the President of the United States could multitask...after all, many dads raise children AND have a job with crazy hours. Also if you are implying that McCain can't multitask, perhaps he shouldn't be president.

In response to Eric Rivas:
Congrats on becoming drum major...i know that's an accomplishment...but do you really think that can compare even in the least to a presidential election or the qualifications needed to be president??? And if you do...your 4 years trumps Obama's 3 years in congress. Now that's a little weird!

-Andrea M.

Stephanie said...

Hey Yangsta :]

I think Obama made the wisest choice choosing Joe Biden as his running mate. It shows that he cares about the future of our nation rather than choosing the most popular running mate in order to obtain the most votes. I also think it was a smart move because Biden'd experience makes up for any weaknesses Obama may have. Biden was also a great choice because of his foreign policy experience, which Obama lacks.
I feel that together Obama and Biden can get things back to where they need to be.

-Stephanie Ayala

13502 said...

I believe that Obama made the correct choice by selecting Biden as his running mate. Due to the fact that he has foreign relations experience and that he has been a senator much longer than Obama. Biden's experience can only help Obama when and if the time comes that he is elected in to office. However Obama has made him self very internet friendly by using the internet as a new medium to send out his campaign issues. Just as he did using twitter to alert subscribers who his V.P. was going to be. The only question that stands un-answered is that if Biden is as savy and can he adjust to this new era of digital media?

CC6610 said...

Although I do not believe McCain should emulate Obama, I do believe he should choose a running mate who complements him. Obama alone is a fantastic nominee. By not choosing Hillary he is showing that he is a strong contender. He does not need to go with the will of the crowd. And by not going with the will and looking to please, he ended up choosing a stronger partner. It shows that he is focusing on the problems at hand rather than focusing on a campaign that could easily turn to nasty rumors. Obama is strong alone and has only made his campaign even stronger. Joe Biden has the experience everyone claims Obama lacks. Now we can only hope the rest of America sees this election through and chooses Obama-the right candidate.

CC6610 said...

its crystal again. here's my id number...


sorry :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr.Yang,
I also agree that Obama made a smart move in choosing Joe Biden as a running mate. Biden has so many years of experience, and I perfer him as the next V.P. over Hilary Clinton. But I also agree with Andrea M. when she states perhaps choosing Hilary as a running mate may have been the smarter choice strategically.

-Amanda Populus

valencia09 said...

i also agree with some of the others.i think that Obama did make a good decision in chosing Joe Biden because he chose what he thought was best for the country.if he would of picked Hilary Clinton then with no doubt he won of won the election not for what he said but because Hilary Clinton would of been the vice president.Probaly people wouldnt pay that much attention to his thoughts but instead to Hilary Clintons thoughts.i think that Joe Biden will make a good v.p. because he has experience and in that way will help Obama.i think he did make a good decision because if he would of picked Clinton like i said before it would of been more of a popularity thing and this is actually based on what is best for our country.

Eric Rivas said...

hey its me again..

i know that being a drum major is a complete different thing.. but what i was trying to get at is that i didnt have the experience with the program i am with now, but i have experience somewhere else. So like Obama he may not have a lot of experience in the white house but he may have it somewhere else. Also he is for the people, if that mean making decisions that people may not like but will help them in the long run, that still means he is doing it for them and not for himself.

eric rivas

Renee said...

We all know that it is very unlikely for one candidate to have all of the qualities we are looking for in a president so we need to find a vice president who will help fill that void. Obama knows that he is lacking in experience in certain areas, so he needed to find someone who had more experience than him and someone who is also familiar with policies that he is less familiar with. I believe that Obama made a great decision by choosing Biden as his running mate because Biden’s background indicates that he is capable of filling the void in Obama’s. I also think that it’s great that Obama chose to pick a running mate that he feels is qualified for the job instead of choosing Hilary Clinton simply to obtain more votes. This definitely shows that he is more concerned about the well being of the country and not just concerned about winning the election.

13088 said...

Obviously, Obama has the right to choose who he wants to be partners with. Joe Biden and Obama seem to know what they want for this country; well that what Hilary Clinton had said in her speech. She mentions some of the goals that Obama has in mind for our country for example, health care, to bring our troops back, and education. Well it all comes down to, is that Hilary Clinton was just supporting Obama and trying to get more votes for Obama and Joe. We will just have to wait and see who will win.

Anonymous said...

Hello Mr. Yang,
After reading this piece, i began to further understand the wisdom in Obama's choice of Joe Biden for his running mate. The fact that Obama is so young does call into question his experience or inexperience in world or community matters that a president should be able to handle. However, choosing Biden seems like a smart decision because he has been involved in the government for a long time and has much more knowledge in areas, such as foreign policy, which Obama lacks. I also believe it was a good decision to not choose Hilary Clinton simply for the votes.

I don't claim to know all of Obama's policies, views , or opinions. However, i am, for the most part, a Democrat, and hope to see Obama's policies, views , or opionions put into action as president, with the help of the more experienced Biden.

-Danielle Holloman
period 4

Erick said...
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Erick said...

Hello Mr. Yang,
I agree with my classmates that in by choosing Joe Biden as his running mate, Obama has made a good but risky move because he could possibly lose some of Hillary Clintons' supporters. I believe that most of Hillarys' supporters will support Obama because they are tired of having a Republican in office. However Obama gains someone with experience and knowlegde.They will be a good duo in office who get the job done.

-Erick Soto

Andrea said...

In response to Eric Rivas...again:
Political experiance does not necessarily mean experiance in the White House. It means experiance in Congress or local gorvernment too. Obama lacks long term experiance. Also, what has he accomplished in congress? What has he accomplished in politics to make him exceptional enough for the presidency?? Although I do not agree with McCain on most of the issues I do believe he has done more, accomplished more, and I respect McCain more because of his experiance and his military history. He is a true American hero, a patriot (even though he is not my pick for president).

Rebecca G said...

hey Mr. Yang,
I think Obama is really picking Joe Biden make up for what he lacks. I have to agree with josh he at least made a good choice by picking Joe he is qualified. He could have gone for more votes by picking Hilary but i think over all Joe could help him keep all these promises his making with all of his experience . I think if Hilary won the nomination she would have chosen Obama just so she could have more votes. Obama does seem to be a good choice for president right now and he made a good choice with Joe to help him and think that once the Hilary voters get over that she didn't win and take Hilarys statement to come together as one party and vote together we wont have a tie anymore and Obama will be the winner of the election.

- Rebecca G.

Unknown said...

I agree that Senator McCain should choose a running mate similar to Joe Biden because it would be in his best interest to show he is diferent from Bush, he is more open minded than most Republican, as well as showing his growing connection to the average American.
-Abraham Islas

Unknown said...

I do belive that Obama chose Joe Biden for his experience.I think that he chose him because combined with Obamas wisdom and Bidens experience they make a great team. I would have to disagree with courtney, not only because she is a republican but because i think that she is wrong in several of her arguments. I saw Obamas speech tonight and for over 40 minutes he spoke very well and did not mumble or mess up much at all.She also said that he wouldnt make a good president because he is a father, she called hima daddy but i want to be mare appropriate. Obama after tonight has proved to the entire democratic party that he is the right choice for the nomination. He layed out his plan to sever our dependence on foreign oil and plans on doing this in only ten years. We dont need four or maybe even eight more years of the same and failed policies. This country needs change and it needs it in November.




Nat4President said...

From my point of view many voters are focusing on the wrong thing. The candidates running are doing nothing but ruining their campaigns. Both candidates have been focusing on trying to look better than the other and our former president. In Obama's side, Clinton has demonstrated her dislike for Bush by using insults, in my opinion this is not a good form of judgement and bad for the precidency. In McCain's side, he has also done such judgements that in my opinion makes his campaign look bad and his procrastination has shown that he has problems with decisions. When did running for precidency become a place to gossip and judge. I believe that what both candidates are doing is nothing but foolishness and in my part i know i wouldn't want either of those candidates as my president. Instead of judging and insulting our current president's ways, they should be making fresh new ideas to help their campaigns and finding ways on how to continue what our president has left. What i mean by this is that many have judged the Iraqi war and instead of insulting his intelligence and accusing him, the candidates should be thinking of ways to turn it all around and benefit out country instead of listening to the public who have no experience in this type of thing whatsoever. For once i would like to see candidates who dont try to win by popularity but instead candidates who come up with fresh ideas and dont look to the past and judge other's actions. If they believe that those actions were wrong, then they should use their own intelligence to make it work from where it has been left off by the previous president. By saying that our current president is a moron, we are establishing nothing but an even more negative future. Both candidates are doing nothing but making a reputation, and not doing what they are supposed to be doing. Making this country what it is supposed to be, great and free. From where we are now, it shows that we dont live up to our name but are driven by nothing but judgemental minds and poor intellectuality. Unlike most of the comments here, i believe that neither of the cadidates are worthy for president, but yet again there haven't been any since JFK. Until we can resolve our presidential debates with nothing but focusing on the country and not their personal histories or lives, then that will be the day that our country will truly have worthy candidates.

Nat4President said...


13505 said...

Mr. Yang,
I believe that Obama make an excellent decision in his running mate in the election because he seems like someone that has a good head on his shoulders.
The fact that he didn't choose Hillary shows a great deal about Obama's dedication to this country because he knows that if he chose her he would win this election hands down. But he chose Biden because of his experience and wisdom. His resume is greatly extended by his choice and now his standings as presidential candidate are greatly improved

Aracely said...

Mr. Yang I agree with some of the comments because I do agree that Obama is an unexperience man, but he has a lot of support and he has a lot of powerful people with him like Hilary and Joe Biden. Joe and Hilary are both strong persons that are sure of what they want to make this a better country. Obama semms to fell very confident about himself and that's really good. I think that he is really strong in his opinions.

gracielou09 said...

Whoo!! AP Government! = D
Obama's choice in electing Biden, instead of Clinton was a risky choice, but, being the smart man he is, he understands that he needs someone with an outspoken mind and experience in politics- especially in foreign policies- to be by his side. Even though Barack Obama does not have that much experience, I believe it should not play too much of a factor in the election, because in 1860, Abe Lincoln was the underdog with not much experience, but ended up winning the election and becoming one of the greatest presidents in our Country. So if Abe did it, so can Barack, and he will, with Joe Biden by his side.
Now that McCain has chosen an unexperienced, female running mate, he is more likely to get Hilary's voters and he did this only to win the election. Unlike Obama, he was not wise in his decision to pick someone who, at any point, could become the next president of the United States of America. And that is why, Obama's choice for VP was the best one he could possibly make.

~Gracie Viera

Dee said...

Obama is smart to choose Biden as a running mate. Instead of imitating Obama, Biden complements the campaign and possibly the presidency. Obama's ideals of change alongside Biden's experience with foreign affairs. Obama's decision shows his focus on creating a strong government as a whole which benefits its people as a whole. if he were just trying to win the obvious choice would have been Hilary, but he chose to make a decision, the right one, which causes him to still be head to head with his competition. At least he makes an effort to compensate for his shortcomings such as his inexperience, whereas McCain chose his running mate as a strategic move toward drawing more of Hilary's voters.

Dee said...

Obama is smart for choosing Biden as a running mate. Instead of imitating Obama, he complements Obama's campaign and possibly presidency and together they present a force to be rekoned with. It doesnt seem logical that he made the decision based on gaining more votes, Obama could have just chosen Hilary and aquired all of her voters, however he chose the best man for the job as a move toward the betterment of the government and its people.

DeAnna Carmona

Dee said...

Courtney: first im sorry you are getting a bunch of rcap for saying what you say but......

who says he can't be a father?!many men do it every day working long hard LABOR hours, what makes you think he wont make the time and do it right. Mr. and Mrs. Obama are a team in marriage....and so far, in a political setting, they seem to be doing pretty damn well. What 10 year old kid doesnt get in the way at times?! They are still freakin kids dude. I think they do a damn good job presenting themselves to millions of people, messing up once in awhile is how we all grow into adults, don't rob them of experience and judge them as if they were to act as adults, its not expected of you and it shouldnt be of them...

...Jumping the chain of command?!!!!!!!what the far as i can remember senators, govenors, all types of politicians have been nominated, campaigning, and winning elections!how the hell is Obama any different?!Yah he's young, but obviously a hard worker to be in such a prestigious and history making position at this point!if you havent heard, he did start at the bottom....

Stop twisting Eric's words, he said he has experience in a different field and entered another as an "informed" but inexperienced person, read woman!Stop trying to be right and look at the facts and what they are trying to say.Look on all sides, not just your own point, you are blindsighting yourself and thats why everyone is attacking your comments......


13726 said...

Hay Mr. Yang,

I also agree with some of my classmates that Barack Obama
picked a suitable running mate. Senator Joe Biden someone who has experience, especially on foreign policy issues such as the situation in Iraq, seems a good choice not for the elections but for the country (If he'd chosen Clinton, he'd obtain more voters & criticisms). Obama's saying of wisdom trumps experience would contradict his v.p. pick but if he'd chosen another newbie like himself then they'd seem too fresh out of the oven to run this country.

Miriam Padilla

ohgeewhillyckers said...

Hey Mr. Yang!

Well today when you mentioned in class that McCain was going to choose a female for Vice-President I think that Obama is second thinking his decision, like you said people do go towards appearances fist. So I think that some of the Hilary "fans" are going towards McCain now. I mean Obama did well by choosing sone who has got the experience that he does not have, but some people who do not a have clue about politics and do vote on appearences are going to vote for MacCain. Why? Well if they are the kind of peole that just do not have a clue about politics then they will see MacCain and say, "Oh he is old he will not make it through the four years, he will die and that means that we will have a lady president. Yei Yei!" I now it sounds ridiculous but there are people out there who were only voting because there was a female running, and I just happen to have heard and know some people who said that(mayority women-not with intention to offend anyone). Obama Will do just fine without Hilary but he might need the Hilary "fans". i just think it was a risky decision to not choose hilary, but he made an exellentdecision choosing Joe Biden. Either way with Hilary or with out her Obama is able to handle things with his democratic team.

- Gerardo Rojas-14000

Nat4President said...

in regard to all the comments against courtney...
Some say that Obama CAN be a good president because he has dedication and loyalty....that has ABSOLUTLY nothing to do with it. In life, only because you love something and want to achive in it doesnt mean you are good at it. Only because Obama really wants to be president and says he will be dedicated doesnt mean he is qualified for the job. McCain might not have such a great back up either, but he has proven to the public that he knows his way around more. Dont get me wrong i believe that both candidates are horrible for the job, but i believe that Obama should of waited for the next term since he would of had more experience and his precidency would of been insured even more than this term. I believe that precidency debates and speeches are filled with nothing but rubish and that they gossip and trash talk like little school girls. I for one would NOT want a president who talks trash about any one, no matter if they are an opponent or not. And the whole making the other candidate look bad is just crap. As I said before in my last comment, I want to see the day when we have candidates who focus on what is important instead of 1.Trash talking 2. Just saying what the public wants to hear 3. Stop making up things that they are not 100% positive they can go through with. The people of this country have done nothing but corrupt what was once a great contry and made it into a popularity and selfish contest..
and atleast courtney has come better arguments than others here. if you think it from that point of view...which is something that if use would help this screwed up country as well.

Dante said...
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Dante said...

Obama's choice of Sen. Biden for his runningmate, I believe, is a good choice because he has experience with foreign affairs and can help sway congress to pass a lot of the changes they want. Even though Senator Biden compensates for Obama's lack of experience, and will win some votes with that alone, Obama still has to campaign for Hilary's group of sore losers and those moderates. It was a good choice on Obama's part and as long as Biden can control his supposed "blabber mouth" antics, Obama can, and probably will, win this election.

-Dante Gamboa

*3r!nN* said...

Whats up Mr. Yang
Well, it is kind of hard to discuss my opinions on Joe Biden because so many people before me have written some of the same things I was planning on saying. Thats what I get for procrastinating. (Won't happen again :p)

I give Obama kudos for not choosing Hilary for vice president because that proves he is confident that he has many american women's votes and doesn't need Hilary as his running mate. She is still going to support him. Instead Obama chose Biden, some one with more experience and a better foreign policy. McCain had to resort to choosing a inexperienced female governor from ALASKA!! to try and gain voters.

It might work to McCain's advantage, or it might not. Also Obama might regret not choosing Hilary in the long wrong, but who knows?

I wonder If Joe Bidens religion will have any effect on voters?

17971 :)

14102 said...

Hey Mr. Yang,

Well to be honest im not too familiar with the policies of either candidate. But that doesnt mean im not intrested in this upcoming election though. I must say I favor Obama over McCain, and thats why I belive that Obama's choice of Biden was a wise one. Many criticize Obama for his inexperience but experience doesnt always guarantee success. Therefore Obama's appeal is to "change" and this is sometimes better than anything else. This criticizing by both parties is just part of politics and which ever party can convince the most people to agree with their views and opinions will ultimately win.

Andrea C said...

Hey Mr.Yang,
I certainly agree with most of my classmates about Obama choosing Joe Biden as his Vice President.I believe Joe Biden is a well certified,experienced man.With this decision being made the public will have more trust in Obama knowing that he can depend on an experienced Vice President.

Since Hilary supports Obama,she agrees with the nomination of the Vice President;thus,now more people will support Obama knowing that Hilary agrees.With this decision, many of the people who were going to vote for Hilary will vote for Obama.We are uncertain about who Mccain will choose as a Vice President;however,Obama is in a good position with a trustworthy man and has a good chance of winning.

Unknown said...

I believe that Obama made a wise choice in choosing Joe Biden as his running mate.It demonstrates that the is not going to choose Hilary Clinton just for more votes.This would have helped him but then he would have also had much criticism for doing this.Plus Joe Biden is experienced.Obama is uneperiened,but that never means he can't be capable of being a great president

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