Monday, September 1, 2008

Editorial #2 Comments due by 9/05 (FRIDAY MIDNIGHT)

Thursday night, after Barack Obama’s well-orchestrated, well-conceived and well-delivered acceptance speech in Denver, Republicans were demoralized. Twenty-four hours later, they were energized — even exuberant. It’s amazing what a bold vice-presidential pick who gives a sterling performance when she’s introduced will do for a party’s spirits.
There are Republicans who are unhappy about John McCain’s selection of Sarah Palin. Many are insiders who highly value — who overly value — “experience.” There are also sensible strategists who nervously note just how big a gamble McCain has taken.
But what was McCain’s alternative? To go quietly down to defeat, accepting a role as a bit player in The Barack Obama Story? McCain had to shake up the race, and once he was persuaded not to pick Joe Lieberman, which would have been one kind of gamble, he went all in with Sarah Palin.
Some media mandarins were upset. One reporter noted that — horrors! — Palin had never even appeared on “Meet the Press.” Time’s Joe Klein remarked disapprovingly that McCain didn’t know Palin well and had never worked with her. He noted by contrast “that when Walter Mondale picked Geraldine Ferraro in 1984, House Speaker Tip O’Neill, who had worked with Ferraro, was not only vouching for her, but raving about her.”
Of course, Ferraro was widely regarded as an unsuccessful V.P. choice. Maybe rave reviews from D.C. insiders aren’t the best guarantee of future success.
And Obama supporters can’t get too indignant about Palin’s inexperience. She’s only running for the No. 2 job, after all, while their inexperienced standard-bearer is the nominee for the top position. And McCain doesn’t need a foreign policy expert as vice president to help him out.
Meanwhile, a Republican operative here mentioned to me that Barack Obama has cited this 1992 comment by Bill Clinton:
“The same old experience is irrelevant. You can have the right kind of experience or the wrong kind of experience. And mine is rooted in the real lives of real people, and it will bring real results if we have the courage to change.”
But the crucial political fact is that the Obama campaign no longer has a monopoly on “the courage to change.” Facing an electorate that wants change, McCain has given himself a fighting chance to win the election.
And he has staked a lot on Sarah Palin.
Voters are unlikely to learn much that is new or surprising about Obama, McCain or Joe Biden over the next two months. Palin’s performance as the vice-presidential nominee, on the other hand, is the open and unresolved question of this campaign. She is, in a way, now the central figure in this fall’s electoral drama.
If Palin turns out not be up to the challenge for which McCain has selected her, McCain will pay a heavy price. His judgment about the most important choice he’s had to make this year will have been proved wanting. He won’t be able to plead that being right about the surge in Iraq should be judged as more important than being right about his vice-presidential pick.
McCain has gambled boldly on Palin. If she flops, McCain could lose by a landslide.
On the other hand, if Palin exceeds expectations, and her selection ends up looking both bold and wise, McCain could win.
The Palin pick already, as Noemie Emery wrote, “Wipes out the image of McCain as the crotchety elder and brings back that of the fly-boy and gambler, which is much more appealing, and the genuine person.” But of course McCain needs Palin to do well to prove he’s a shrewd and prescient gambler.
I spent an afternoon with Palin a little over a year ago in Juneau, and have followed her career pretty closely ever since. I think she can pull it off. I’m not the only one. The day after the V.P. announcement, I spoke with an old friend, James Muller, chairman of the political science department at the University of Alaska, Anchorage. He said that Palin “has been underestimated over and over again. She took on the party and state establishments here in Alaska, and left them reeling. She’s a very good campaigner, a quick study and a fighter.”
Muller called particular attention to her successes in passing an increase to the oil production tax and facilitating the future construction of a huge natural gas pipeline. “At first the oil companies thought she was naïve, and they’d have their way. Instead she faced them down and forced them to compromise on her terms.”
Can she face down the Democrats, Joe Biden and the national media over the next couple of months?
John McCain is betting she can. Perhaps, as he pondered his vice-presidential selection, he recalled the advice of Margaret Thatcher: “In politics if you want anything said, ask a man. If you want anything done, ask a woman.”
(NY Times)


Josh E. said...

Hey Mr. Yang,
I believe choosing Palin is a mistake; this is another example of the Republicans adopting a prominent Demorcratic ideal. For example, the Republicans tried to ease on Iraqi policy, and that blew up in their face. Women love Hilary, not necessary any woman. The Republican women probably leaned towards McCain anyway.

Now, McCain cannot harshly attack Obama on his experience, but Obama can critize McCain on his Old Guard views- because its McCain that's running for office. McCain will probably make the same point with Obama, but not as eloquently.

Whether or not McCain picked the wrong candidate will become apparent over the next few weeks as the media and demorcrats glean over Palin and her record.

-Josh E.
/ 18050

Stephanie said...

Hey Yang =]

I strongly believe that choosing Palin as a running mate was a mistake for McCain. All it says to me is that he's desperate for votes. He is assuming that women voters will vote for her simply because she is a woman. Which is a bit of an insult to that group of voters.

Choosing Palin also weakens McCain's attack against Obama. He can no longer criticize Obama's lack of experience, since Palin has only been governor since 2006. And before that served as mayor to a small town (pop.65)

Palin doesn't even know the duties of Vice President and has very limited experience of the war in Iraq. She was quoted saying "What is it exactly that the VP does every day?" and " I haven't really focused much on the war in Iraq."

Maybe McCain did make a good decision choosing Plain as his running mate or maybe he didn't, only the coming weeks will tell, but in my opinion Sarah Palin is a mistake.


Unknown said...

Hey Mr. Yang

In my opinion choosing Palin was a huge mistake. The way I see it he only did it for two resons. Number one to get the women vote that Hillary left up in the air. And the other one is because he just wanted to make a big splash and to take some of the spotlight away from the "celebity".Some people said that its not a big deal becasue after all it's only the number two position. However in reality she is only a heartbeat from the presidency. Mc Cain has fought cancer twice and lets face it he is OLD! If Mc Cain did get elected as president by some miracle and he would to die we would have someone running the country who has only been governor for two years and before that she was the mayor of a city that had a total population of like a 1,000. Thats less than a third the population of chaffey. In my opinion the only choice that would have been worse than Palin is the Terminator.


Maria14 said...

Hey Mr.Yang,
Well I agree with both Josh and Stephanie, McCain might of made a mistake in choosing Palin as his running mate.This not only demostates that he is willing to do anything to win but that he knows that Obama has a great advantage over him, so he is so desperate that he decided he wanted a women to be his v.p.. Mccain is doing a great move by trying to get hilary's voters to vote him and his v.p.But I agree with josh, those women were willing to vote for hilary not just becasue she is a women,but because she is intelligent and she represents what a women president should be like. So if Mccain did or did not make a good decision in picking Palin will not be known until election day.

-Maria V.

Unknown said...

Hello Mr. Yang!
Wow i'm going to have to agree with everyone who has commented so far.Indeed choosing Palin was a mistake.It demonstarates that he's not willing to choose someone that he thinks would be a great president if he does happen to pass away,instead he picks someone,[in this case a women] to receive more votes.Plus why would he critisize Obama for having little experience when ever his running mate has little experience also.
To me, she's just going to prove that she can be capable of being a good V.P., or else i believe that that was the main reason for McCain choosing her.

13504 said...

It is evident that McCain chose Palin solely for her role in appealing to the women voters. Additionally, her reputation for firing people that go against her administration and that do not succumb to her will is well-known, including the case where two department heads were fired due to their so-called insubordination.
The vice-presidency does not need a rigidly inflexible person unwilling to listen and consider other viewpoints and options-other than her own. Essentially, I presume McCain's disastrous decision in opting for Palin will be even more pronounced in the forth-coming weeks.

Robert said...

Hey Mr. Yang,

In my opinion choosing Palin was a mistake; not only does it demonstarate that he's not willing to choose someone that would be a good vice president, but he picks someone to receive more votes.

Now McCain cannot attack Obama on his exprience. I agree with Stephanie and that McCain assumes that women voters will vote for him because his running mate is a female.

I liked Oscars opinion that the only choice worse than Palin is the Terminator.

-Robert A.

CC6610 said...

McCain was purely thinking votes. That is all a person can say about this decision. He met with her once! How can you believe in a persons strength when you've never gotten to know the person? It doesn't make sense. Palin is NOT a wise decision. I hope the country comes to senses and realizes that this would not be a wise choice. Vice Presidents are there to help. Obama gets his help from Biden. McCain will stand alone if elected.

Crystal Chavez 13511 period 4

Courtney said...
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C.H. 12948 said...
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C.H. 12948 said...

Ok, for everyone, OF COURSE MCCAIN IS JUST TRYING TO GET VOTES!!!!! You cannot win an election without votes. DUH. And obviously nothing else but trying to win over the votes of the people is the only thing left todo, because if you don't like his views, you don't. Whatever. But he is gonna do what he can to get people to convert. And yes, if McCain were to die at some point in his term, we would have somebody with little experience running our country...WOW! What do you know, WE ALREADY HAVE SOMEBODY RUNNING FOR THAT! McCain doen't need someone with experience, just like Obama does need someone with experience. It all makes sense. Now, i am not saying i am happy with McCain's choice of running mate, frankly, i think she is a big mistake. She has a pregnant seventeen year old and i guess a few other things going on in her family. And she seems like a bit of a ditz to me. So i think he was stupid picking her also. But maybe smart in the long run with the female votes in what not. So we shall see what happens. XD


Anonymous said...

Hi Mr. Yang,
Well, when McCain chose Palin as his running mate for the Republican nomination, it seemed to be a big suprise to everyone. Most of the comments said that this may be an attempt to simply win votes, however, as one student said, " You cannot win an election without votes. DUH." Although that does make sense i feel i must disagree with your statement that those voters that are still undecided, (and female) will now suddenly vote for McCain because there is now another woman in the game. I think at least some of the American voters deserve a little more credit than that. However, i do believe that her experience is one of the major issues that added to McCain's seemingly unwise choice. She lacks experience, obviously, but the article says that McCain did this on purpose as a gamble. Now this I dont understand. Why would we want to put someone in the presidential seat that likes to gamble on things that could end up being very important to America in the long run. Yes its obvious that he's old and if he dies, well then what? Maybe he doesnt expect to die. I'm not sure. Either way, I believe McCain's choice in Palin was a mistake and he is underestimating those undecided female (or maybe even male) voters that were once for Hilary and now are expected to vote for the next woman that comes along.

-Danielle Holloman

13521 said...

Hi Mr.Yang,

like many of my classmates,I too believe that choosing Palin was a mistake.It seems as if McCain only chose Palin as Vice President to obtain women votes,in particular votes of the women who were intending to vote for Hilary.

It is said that Obama does not have enough experience when compared to McCain;yet,now McCain's running mate has very little experience as well? I feel like now,Obama will have more people on his side because his Vice President has more experience.I believe this was a wrong decision,but we will see what happens.

Brianda said...

Hola Mr. Yang,
what i have to say is pretty much the same as my other classmates.... yes it was a mistake to choose Palin as vice president. if your running for presidency you should really think who your going to pick for such in important job , and like i have heard it all my life expierence makes a pro. You can say it was a smart choice to pick a woman so you get woman votes ,but really the v.p dosent really do anything important so she wont leave such in impact in the presidency, unless the president dies.I just heard that she was getting nervouse in the speech practices what does that tell you she is not ready for this job.well see what she has to say tonight maybe were wrong about her?
13755-Brianda Reyes

Ty said...

Well Mr.Yang,

yes i agree with most of the class, but i don't think picking Paulin was a mistake. i do however think McCain was thinking votes. but i wouldn't count someone out based on another persons decisions, or what they were or were not thinking.

My point is,Paulin is probably not the best candidate. BUT we don't know if shes qualified or not, we've not seen her in action. I think the reason why McCain went with Paulin is because, you have an inexperienced President or and inexperienced Vice President, most people are probably are going to choose based on that, and of course the fact she's a woman plays a big role.

Tyaan Haslam, 14012

Aracely said...

I think that Sarah is not going to do a good job if she gets in the white house which I think that she is not going to make it because first,she does not have experience, sahe does not kmow how to work with the congress, she does not about the war in iraq, and I think people is not going to vote for her. McCain picked the wrong person, because there's a lot people that likes Hillary, but they are not going to vote for Sarah only because she is a women. People vote for the person that they think is it going to make this a better country.

Josh E. said...

Hey Mr. Yang,
The difference between McCain's and Palin's experience and Obama's experience is that Obama impresses many nations and many voters, versus the Republicans who struggle to raise Palin while the media keeps shooting her down.

As for the people who will vote for her because she is female, there will be people who do not vote for her because of her daughter.
So, Will Hardcore absence voters turn the cheek? Will the females vote for a woman or Hilary? Will the Republican party crumble because of they contradict some of their very own platforms?

All I know is that this election is exciting.

-Josh E.
/ 18050

Ashley said...
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Ashley said...

Quite candidly, McCain is being ludicrous by choosing Palin as his running mate. Flat out, it’s ridiculous. She doesn’t know the first thing about being Vice President, let alone how to be President if worse comes to worse, and that’s the major problem. McCain chose a novice as his fallback person, which goes ahead and assures us that this country is in the recourse hands of someone who accepted a job they don’t even know the first thing about.

I feel very secure now.

Palin is practically acting as a gag candidate, just because she’s a woman. There are better qualified women out there with more experience than she, so why her? Just because she’s popular? If that’s the only reason, then McCain should just pull out now. We all thought Bush was a cool guy, and all we got was a war against Afghani-oil-stealing terrorist in Iraq. New and popular just don’t spell capable to me.

-Ashley D.

Andrea said...

Hi Mr. Yang!

Although it scares me to even think what may happen if she ever has to step in for McCain, (if he wins) I think that she was a good choice strategically. Like a few of my classmates I hope that women will not vote for McCain just because Palin is a woman, but I cannot deny that some women are so desperate for a woman in higher office that they will vote for McCain now that his V.P. is female. I personally know a few die-hard Republican women who would have voted gladly for Hillary, a democrat...and I think if they were willing to switch parties for a woman why would a democrat fail to do the same? On the other hand, I believe that because of Palin's pregnant daughter they will lose votes. But I think this is ridiculous because her family should not affect her career. She cannot have complete control over her daughter and her daughter's choices. Also, voting should not be about how good of a mother she is...what about the dad? I think the most effective thing Palin has done is to distract people from the issues and put a spotlight on McCain. No matter how he got it McCain now has the media attention while Obama is fading to the background. Yes, Palin has proven to be an invaluable source of attention for the McCain campaign.

-Andrea M.

Erick said...
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Erick said...

Hey Mr. Yang,
I agree with my classmates that choosing Palin is a mistake because she doesnt have the experience to lead the country incase something should happen to McCain. As a result McCain cant use the "experience" factor against Obama. This shows McCains fear of losing so he believes that if women see a women on the ballot that they will vote for his party but many women suppported Hilary for her goals not just gender. He has made a big misjudgment.

Erick Soto

Eric Rivas said...

hey Mr. Yang,
I would have to pretty much agree with everyone before me. McCain choosing Palin was both in my opinion smart and very stupid. IT was smart in the sence of trying to win over Hiliary's voters/ supporters and now he has the womens appeal. It was very "stupid" because how can he choose her who is not nearly qualified for the number two position. IN my opinion th enumber two position should have either the same experience or even more experience than the number one position.

To me in my opion its kinda sad that members that associate themselves with republicans dont really support him, and his decision.

Palin can bring alot to the table but is it enough? she can easily relate to the parents who have daughters who are under age who have become pregnant, or those who were under age and becamae pregnant. But is that someone we want representing the United States? If she cant control what goes on in her own home how can we be certain that if she needed to be president at a moments notice that she can keep the U.S. under control?

^btw i didnt mean control us like communism.

Eric Rivas

13088 said...

Hi Mr. Yang,

Well, I'm going to have say that I agree with my classmates on this. I strongly believe that McCain did a big mistake on choosing Palin as the vice president. First of all Palin might be the Governor of Alaska but she has not that much of experience. So if McCain dies we would be left with someone that has little of experience running the United States. In the other words, Obama might not have that much of experience, but Joe the vice president sure dose. Well its all about winning votes and each candidate is willing to do anything to get the votes from those undecided people and after the women’s votes.

Unknown said...

Many Presidential nominees choose a V.P who will make them look popular for example Obama’s supporters and advisors pressured him to announce Clinton as his running mate. This would have been a stunt and gamble for Obama since he would have looked bad to both Clinton supporters and republicans. Instead he announced Biden as his running mate for his experience and similar views to Obama. I agree that McCain was foolish for choosing Palin. Not only did he show his desperation for choosing a young and attractive candidate he chose someone with hardly any experience in office and someone who can’t compare to him in his abilities. During his speech McCain made many obvious threats towards anyone who would compromise the safety, stability and welfare of America and her people. Many people know McCain for his short fuse if Palin were to succeed him during a time of crisis, she wouldn’t have a strong presence or the strength to uphold McCain’s policies.

-Abraham Islas

13726 said...

Hay Mr. Yang,

I also agree with most of my classmates that picking Sarah Palin was the wrong choice. She did indeed deliver the speech extremely well, but it was written by Bush's speechwriters, and it didnt mention health care, the middle class, and helping people get to college. She needs and will continue to need a lot of help/advisers. Palin is less experienced than Obama and as some of my classmates have mentioned, this controverts McCain's campaign that Obama was too inexperienced. And there's a possibility she might've already abused her power (her firing the trooper). She doesn't seem to know much about foreign policy, and also Palin has tried Marijuana (according to TIME). I think if she were to become vice president, it would be like making a highschool student, governor of a state.

13502 said...

hey mister yang i think that Mccain simply picked Palin in order to win over the female voters that are left undecided after the lose of the nomination for Clinton. Mccain is simply exploiting the mixed emotions of the voters. Mccain is just trying to do everything he can to beat obama, however Mccain who argued that one needs experience to lead selecting Palin contradicts his sayings if he were to die in office she would take over without any experience what so ever

Abrianna said...

hey mr. yang
how are u doing this fine
anyways, i think john mccains pick of palin as is running mate is a only way to get more of hilary clintons votes that were torn. she is even more inexperienced tha barack obama so wouldnt you think that should play against her. i am sure she is more than capable to handle the vice presidency but if she gets it i dont think she will be as involved in things as she may think or as we may want. i think she will just be for show. if mccain does just use palin for show many people are going to be very upset and who knows what will happen then.

13369 said...

Hello everyone,
A agree with many of my classmates. Picking Palin as the running mate of McCain was a bad idea. Palin might be a good role model for many women across the country but I feel that she doesn't have the potential yet to be Vice-president. For example, she’s a mother of five kids, has a teen-age daughter, a son with down syndrome which she had the choice to abort but that she didn't, another son that’s about to be deployed to Iraq, and she's in the PTA. She might be a great role model but it is not why she might be our next Vice-president. McCain picked Palin not because of experience but to get the female vote. He might not even know what are her ideas or plans. I just hope that McCain picked her for other reasons than just to get the female vote.

Raul R. said...

hey Mr. Yang

I strongly believe that choosing Palin as vice president was a huge mistake because if something happens to McCain she wont be able to manage the presidency. Like Oscar's funny comment said, McCain is OLD!!! and can die in any moment and if Palin gets to the precidency things will get bad!!!!! McCain also wanted the women vote but that was another big mistake because most of the women were not following Hilary only because she was a women but also because of her ideas and Palin has no ideas.

By the way oscar i think that the terminator would've been better than Palin jaja.

Raul R.

Rebecca G said...

hey yang,
i agree with abri in the fact that McCain picked Palin to get the Hilary voters. I dont think he made the right choice I dont think its going to help him especially since the drama with her being under investigation or whatever in her own state over a political issue and the fact that so many people are caught up on the fact that her daughter is pregnant. Even though Obama isnt going to attack her for that it just makes him look better. But on the plus side for McCain Obama cannot criticize her for not having a lot of experience cause then he leaves himself open to more criticism.

- Rebecca G.

johnnyindo said...

What's good Mr Yang?
I think that choosing palin was actually a good idea for one reason mainly. Before Palin was announced as V.P. I never heard to much about McCain and the democrats. It was much easier to hear about Obama since he is such the great speaker that he is. Ever since this whole issue of her being the vice president, there's been so much more talk about McCain whether it's about why he chose her or even about her experience. From Palin, i think that they are getting so much more attention now than ever before and now it just really counts on whether or not she can handle it. Obviously things are much different now for her than when she was just the governor of Alaska.

-Jonathan Poluan

johnnyindo said...
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michael said...

whats up mr. yang
well i have to agree with just about everyone else. mccain choosing palin as a vice president was a mistake. among the conservatives of the republican party, chossing a women for vp was not a smart choice because it is a radical change. mccain believes choosing palin as a running mate will get some votes from supporters of hilary, but he has to understand that those supporters will not vote for him just because he has a women as vp. another problem is her experience. mccain has made known the little experience obama has but now he has selected someone with less experience as his running mate. mccain is obviously desperate to win the votes of those who are not sure of who to vote for.
-michael hernandez

Vsala90 said...

Hey Mr. Yang

I think that everyone above me is thinking the way I am. McCain choosing Palin as his VP was not a good idea. How can we depend on her to be able to be president at moments notice with her lack of experience. The VP should be just as qualified of if not more than the President.

Palin in her speech to the people basically just said she approved of McCain, to me her speech should have been more about the issues. She didnt talk about the issues us Americans face, like job wages, heath care, and other hardships we americans face on a daily basis. She failed to recongnize the middle class that our country is based on.

In the upcomming weeks we will find out if there is a positive outlook on McCain choosing Palin.

- Salvador Vicente

13772 said...

Hey Mr.Yang,
I got to dissagree with Josh E.'s comment, Mc Cain can keep hitting Obama with experience comments because the VP probably doesnt even need experience! Palin doesnt need the experience, she just needs to look good in front of the camera and attract women, and teens. Not only that but Mc Cain has the entire WWII, Vietnam veterans on his side, this election is going to be a close call. I believe that McCain did a wonderful job in picking Palin as his running mate.

-Wilson Rodriguez

jacjac123 said...

i think that the way that maccain is trying to win votes is very cheap and insult to the people. He is counting on the votes of ignorent people who will vote for someone based on unimportant physical aspects like gender. we should look for suitable people to govern our country and should no waste our vote on meaningless feminist pleas. just because palion is a woman does not makes her qualified for the job. As we all know,McCain is very old and might even die during his presidendcy(should he win)and who would we have as a back-up? palin. but, people will vote for mccain because of who he chose as a running mate,maybe even former hilary suporters. Mccain is taking a really big risk which might just kick him butt later.

-jackie magana

ohgeewhillyckers said...

like i said on my comment last week , i now strongly believe that mccain made the right choice decision by choosing palin.It seems clearly to me now that indeed many voters will vote for mccain now after switching from the democratic party. by choosing palin right now that she is going through such a situation with her family and her personal life, many voters that are or have been in a similar situation can relate with palin and have more of a personal touch with her.It makes them feel like the know her more personally.

-gerardo rojas

Booger said...

Hey Mr. Yang,to this article i found myself falling asleep reading about a woman such as Palin. Though they described her as a strong campaigner I believer the Republican part is going to need more then that to win the election. McCain has yet to prove himself to in this election with Obama seems to have a foot ahead in. Though all my fellow classmates seems to slander McCain I can't find myself doing the same because once he did uphold some different views that he had to change when he began to run for president. Maybe if he were to win the election, he could revert back to that old self and keep his word of the past. But for his chose of Palin just to gain the vote of women, he should have just left her in the kitchen where her experience seems to reside.

Renee said...

I don't believe that is was a good idea for McCain to chose Palin. It seems as if he only picked her because he want to gain the votes of the Clinton supporters, but it's not that easy. The people who supported Hilary Clinton believed that she could really make a change, so they need to be reconvinced that the other candidates are just as interested in change as Hilary was. When Obama chose his running mate he at least chose someone who complimented his campaign and could bring certain skills to the table, but McCain just seemed to pick someone help him gain popularity.

13505 said...

hey mr yang!
i know i'm like a minute late but my computer wouldn't post thelast one i did... so i had to retype it in order to get it in. and i forgot my password

i understand why mccain chose to pick a woman for his running mate, but i think that he did it for the wrong reasons. he chose her for the woman vote. because of all of the hilary supporters still out there, he needed a way to get his word to them. its good strategy now, but how much is this decision going to effect him if he gets in the white house?