Saturday, September 6, 2008

Editorial #3 Comments due by 9/12 (FRIDAY MIDNIGHT)

Go on to this website and see the incorrect information given by both Obama and McCain during their convention speeches.

Do you think most of the American public realizes that both provided incorrect facts about the other? How do you think this might impact the election? Will most Americans take the time to determine the facts for themselves or will they assume that everything that politicians say is corret??


13772 said...

Hey Mr. Yang,
I have to agree with the previous comment, most americans have no clue. Once they have their hearts set on a president, decided by looks, words, experience, or a personal connection, what they say is fact. Another thing is that people might not want to hear what the other candidate has to say.
-Wilson Rodriguez

Aracely said...

mr. yang I have to believed with both of the comments that my classmates had because it is true, many of Americans when they are watching the conventions they don't pay attention to the bad things that one another says, because the candidates only speak so that public can see how hard they worked and their goals to make this a "better country". Sometimes even the candidates when they have the power already they are going to forget what they said.

Renee said...

I don't believe that most Americans will realize that the candidates provided incorrect facts about the other. The reason most people will not know that some facts were incorrectly stated is because they aren't necessarily interested in that, so they are willing to overlook some of what the candidates say to focus more on what the media says about the candidates.

If the media were to post it on the cover of a magazine that both candidates made false statements, then more people may take it into consideration when they go to elect our future president. But if this information is not something that people can find while standing in line at the grocery store, then it is unlikely that they are going to take it upon themselves to go determine the facts on their own.

Stephanie said...

Hi Yang :]
I believe that most americans will not go and find out for themselves whether or not what the candidates say is correct. When I heard Obama's speech I assumed everything was true, I mean why would he lie to us? But I forget he's a politician. I think that if more people knew that both candidates were lying to them they wouldn't like it, it got me a little upset because I don't like being lied to and especially not by someone who will be leading my country and expecting us to vote for him.


Anonymous said...

Hi Mr. Yang,
Well, to be honest, when i read the statements each candidate made and the actual truth behind it, i was suprised. I hadnt realized, when watching the democratic and republican nominations, that they had been saying these false statements. And i didnt check to see what was truth and what was lies. Even though you hear about how politics is corrupted and a lot of lies sometimes, i still just assumed what they were saying was fact. So i think that it is very possible that most Americans simply take what their candidate is saying as truthful and make their opinion and decision based on that. But really, now and days, it can be truthfully said that most people arent exactly listening to their statements, but just watching how they present it and how they look doing so. Its really all based on appearance i think.

-Danielle Holloman
period 4

13088 said...

Well I think that most of the American public dose realizes that both of the candidates provided incorrect facts about another. But I guess that’s what they have to do in order to get votes. Basically how it’s going to impact the election; I don't think that most of the voters pay close attention to those facts. For example, the young voters just focus on the looks and etc. Maybe their might be people who actually pay attention to those facts and that’s how they determine for who they are going to vote. But in my opinion I don't think the public focus on; if the candidates say incorrect or correct things about each other.

13502 said...

I think that most Americans would not bother looking for the truth behind the speechs and issues simply because it is time consuming for the person to do so. They turn to the media for there information that is what most americans care about just relying on the media for information and not actually researching to make a smart decisoin

Josh E. said...

Hey Mr. Yang,
Today, few politicans actually lie about their opponent- instead they spin their opponent's statements and plans out of proportion to elavate their platform. Some politicans lie about future plans but hardly about their opponent because their opponent can provide proof and attack on that basis.
Here I tallyed what I consider "spin" or "exaggerations" based on the's analysis: Obama: 3 exagerations, 1 incorrect fact
McCain: 1 exageration, 3 incorrect facts
Based on that and the message on the prez candidate speeches, I say Obama wins this one.

I believe most Americans want to believe everything Obama or McCain say, depending on their party and who they favor, but history shows politians lie time after time. So, Americans tend to favor a presidential candidate for their platform rather than their record, so the inacceracies that the camps overlook, the American people and media tend to overlook.

13504 said...

Unfortunately I believe that Americans did not doubt the accuracy of the facts presented by the candidates, due to the populace's lack of interest in politics. The common citizen ordinarily places their self-interest before politics- ergo downgrading political awareness as a low priority. Essentially, people will only take action when their present conditions are threatened. I do not believe that the false statements given by the misinformed candidates will alter the election to a large extent. American's ignorance and disinterest in politics will not magically extinguish, they are too preoccupied with their own lives to care.
P.S. I agree with Wilson's statement that people may not want to hear what the other candidate says.
-13504 <3

Ashley said...

If Americans were as dedicated in making the right choices in president as they were in the American Idol choices, the internet would be swamped with people looking for information. I watch the GaiaOnline forums and people swamp it with ridiculous stuff like “OMG, Miley Cyrus died in a car accident” or “J.K Rowling is coming out with an 8th Harry Potter book”; ridiculous stuff, yet people go in to those chat rooms and believe everything said in it, rather than looking up the information to find out that all of that is bogus. And there’s not just pop-culture, there are politics too. And I actually just recently read one (a McCain follower) who said the people voting for Obama are only voting for “change,” a change they don’t even know of. And that doesn’t even sound farfetched. A lot of Americans are swayed with what powerful people say. If we weren’t, we’d still have electric cars, bread slices that keep you full for the day, and those cures they found for cancer and asthma. Americans are taking the easy way out of research and getting all their information off the grapevine. And if you’ve played ‘Telephone’ as a kid, you would know how easily ‘Clams, clams, you have gigantic feet’ turns to ‘Clowns, clowns, I see clowns, fuzzy cheeks.’ In reality, if you really want to see if people research the ideas before believing it, check MySpace and see how many “You’re gonna die in seven days” posts are up.

-Ashley Diaz

CC6610 said...
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CC6610 said...

I don't believe most of the public will fact check the comments for themselves. I do believe the public will realize that they can only listen to the facts to a certain extent. However, both candidates basically lied. That's what they did and what they will always do. It is a part of our society and politics. I am pro-obama and anti-mccain, but I don't care that either one lied. I'm not out to expose the truth. To me, it doesn't matter. So they can continue lying as long as when obama gets elected actions get done.

Crystal Chavez

Brianda said...

I think that if you know a lot about politics and your good and catching things you would of noticed the incorrect facts.But in my opinion i dont think a lot o people realize the incorret information.It might impact the election in that we dont want liars as presidents we want an honest person. They will asume evrything is correct if you are a republican or democrate by heart dosent matter what they say you will support them to the end.

Erick said...

Hey Mr. Yang,
I dont believe that these errors in their speeches will affect the election because the majority of Americans get caught up in the moment that they dont pay much attention to the speech. Since Obama and McCain are politicians many people believe what they say and most people dont go online and read a speech to make sure the facts are correct. Once people decide who they will pick, nothing usually changes their mind. A Democrat will believe a Democratic politician and as the same goes for Republicans.

Erick Soto

Robert said...

Hey Mr. yang,
I doubt most Americans who listened to the presidential candidates even bothered to research the facts. Usually once the majority of the people decide who they will pick nothing will change their mind. Most Americans will not research the facts simply because they are lazy; they rely on the media for their information. They do not want to think to hard so they allow someone else to make their judgment for them.


Abrianna said...

i think people should care about the fact that both candidates lied, but lying is a part of politics and people seem ok with it, especially those who are extreme democrats or extreme republicans. personally i care that they lied because its unnecessary to lie about your oppenent. why not try to win fairly? then again i would consider myself naive to politics and i also understand that its not all fun and games and things are bound to get dirty. that is just the way politics are.

Abrianna said...

also, i agree with robert when he said most people didnt even research the facts if they even caught them, i know i didnt. but yea i forgot to throw that in

C.H. 12948 said...

I think that American's are too gullable to realize that they are getting played. And even if they had the slightest doubt in their mind, they are too damn lazy to get off their butt's to do the research to even find out if they are wrong or not. And they don't really lie about their opponent, they merely twist the truth. ;-) Plus, in America, elections, presidential or not, it is always a popularity contest. You can say its not and that people do care about what they are going to do for our community, but that is a select few. And those who vote just to vote, or vote on the person they think looks better and what not, enormously out number those who actually care about things that they say will not only help themselves, but those who need different forms of help. Americans are selfish, lazy, and gullable. Plain and simple.


michael said...

hey mr. yang
i have to agree with most of my other classmates. the american public does not pay attention well enough to the facts to understand what truth is really being twisted. most of us feel that when a head figure says something such as the other candidate will cut jobs, most people not take into concideration that the statement could be false. once we chose who a candidate that seems resonable for office, every thing he says we assume is true. so i dont believe that lies such as these can have a big affect on the election.
-michael hernandez

Rebecca G said...

Hey yang,
i have to agree with most of my classmates on this one most people are not going check the facts given by the candidates. they listen to one person and believe everything they say. Most really don't even care what the other candidate has to say they pick one and just go with whatever that one says and don't bother to check what the candidates are really saying. It would better if people actually paid attention and checked the facts it would make them better voters.
Rebecca G

johnnyindo said...

I'm sure that everyone get's pretty lazy and i for one would've just gone with what i heard. I know for a fact that well over half the country won't know about these mistakes unless a major company starts bringing them out. Most people won't take the time out of their "busy" lives to actually check on all the facts and see whether or not they're actually true. Unfortunately that's just how things are and will probably decide how this election will end.

Jonathan Poluan

Ty said...

i have to agree, most americans never get involved in politics. so i think that Obama and McCain candy coating and making things work to their advantage is just normal politics.

13505 said...

i personally don't think that they know because they really are not interested in the fine print; atleast not the majority of the nation. they only want to hear the things that they are interested in and, in a way, ignore everything else.
beacuse the nation relies on popularity to elect anyone, no one is actually going look up the information to see if their resources are true. that, sadly, is just the way that our country works.

Unknown said...

It is fact that the majority of Americans would rather watch American Idol then watch presidential nomenes speak or debate. Instead of reading propositions they listen to biased commercials and then vote if they believe any of them. This poor attitude and neglect has the potential to undo American democracy. Why? Because Obama and McCain constantly lie about each other and no one even notices.

Unknown said...

i agree with what mostly everyone had to say, i dont think that americans are too likely to follow up on things that obama and mc cain said. i think that they are just going to believe what they want to believe and are going to vote for who ever they want to vote for. i dont think that what they said is going to have too much of an impact on the election. i might ahve a slight effect but i dont believe that it is going to have a huge effect.


13369 said...

When people see their favorite candidate, they never notice the mistakes they are saying. People want to believe that everything a candidate is saying is correct but many people are ignorant to know the truth. When a person has made their choice for president they wouldn’t want to know that their favorite candidate has been lying. Nobody is perfect but if they want the people's vote they have to tell the truth because in the future nobody would want to have a lying president. I didn't heard or watch the candidate’s speeches but if I would, I wouldn't have notice the mistakes they said.

gracielou09 said...

In my opinion, this country has too many stupid people; therefore, I believe not a lot of Americans are going to test these facts to see how twisted they are. Americans are going to base their vote on by what is said, and how it is said. I think that Americans may have a feeling that not everything is true, but they block it out because they want to see their candidate as an honest person. Like Danielle said, people choose their candidate on how they present themselves; unless you are an intelligent person and actually read valuable information. = ]

~Gracie Viera

Dante said...

i believe that both of the candidates will suffer equally because everyone is glib about economic and foreign policies. If people knew about what each candidate lied about Obama would suffer worse. Why i believe this is because Obama lied about not only his candidate, but more importantly he lied about economic policies. like when he says hes going to close corprate loop-holes, that plan won't do much, so the burden of his plans is still on the people. but McCain just over-exaggerated,and i think the public can forgive him for that.

ness4pres =) said...

Hmmm.. i honestly dont believe that most people know whats going on.
Even if they somehow found out..for the educated people, it might change. But from past elections (bush) its kinda shown that people arent going to take the time and try to figure out ALL the facts about everyone. The people that always complain and dont really care are just going to assume that what they here from the politics is correct. But the people that actually give a crap will take the time to.

Maria14 said...

Hi Mr. Yang,
I agree with my fellow classmate that many in the U.S. really don't care about presidential elections because they rahter be chating in myspace than seeing presidential speeches. Many people don't actual realize that their presidential candidate make inproper statements about their goals. So, hopefully we will get a good president that will get his facts straight.

Eric Rivas said...

Hey Mr. Yang,
i would have to agree with most of classmates. Todays americans are too obsessed with whats new to them instead of whats important, like the election. Most people rather be looking for the skinnest jeans of something that would look good on them now. Because most people are so distracted by this they tend to choose presidents based looks, words and or experience. When it should be aount the issues and how they can be efficient for the people. i just hope that soon these canidates can get their facts strait.

Eric Rivas said...

hey its me again

eric Rivas

Raul R. said...

hey Mr. Yang
Most of the americans don't realize that candidates are saying incorrect facts about the other because people don't really care what candidates say, they just choose the candidate that think that would give them more benefits, but they dont see their real intentions.
Most of their intentions might be good, but there could be some that might be bad.
i think Americans should CARE more about the elections.

ohgeewhillyckers said...

well i think that the people will stick to they guy they like no matter if they lied or not.when people hear other people clapping for something that the candidate said they immediatly think that they made a good point and they cheer and carry on as if they understood a thing he said.They are like," OMG this guy is amzing, we should totally vote for him."there is also the fact that FOX is run by republicans, this might have a big impact on what the audience hears and influence that they truely believe.

gerardo rojas

Anonymous said...

Hello Mr. Yang......
Personally I believe that people don't watch presidential speeches and don't know that both candidates made false facts. Honestly I didn't even know that they made false facts. I know its sad but it happens when there is so much to watch or do rather than pay attention to the elections. I have watched some of the speeches but not reshearched them. There is alot of poeple like me and I know that not that many are into elections. There are poeple that love to follow the elections because they want to know what the next future president is going to be.

-Salvador Vicente

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I totally agree that most Americans do not realize that the candidates are including incorrect information into their speech. But also, most Americans will not look into the facts because their heart's are already set on the candidate and trust that what the candidate says to the American people, MUST be correct.
I also believe the American people would not even bother to check whether or not the information was correct because they are lazy and would rather watch Wheel Of Fortune.

-Amanda Populus
( 13894 )

jacjac123 said...

i really think that most americans understand precious little of what is said in these speeches. more to the point the precious little they do understand takes the form of direct accusations. the people do not hear clever diviations from direct questions but rather the triumphant declaration that is always completely off topic.unless these false declarations are laid before the people side by side we will not even notice these lies. Many of us are being very narrowminded and choosing to believe that this one political puppet is telling the whole truth and that everything else is bogus and not important. Many people dont even want to hear what the other candidate has to say. This fact is very unfortunate because if we take the time to look carefully we would find many things that might just affect us later and therefore correct them now.
jackie magana

Andrea said...

Hi Mr. Yang!
If the American public realizes that there was incorrent information in the convention speeches I would be surprised. After all, most of the American public failed to even tune in. On the other hand, those who tuned in, those who actually were interested, might have caught some of the false information. I think that this false information will have little, if any, impact on the election. Politicians, unfortunately, tend to stretch the truth and the American public is accustomed to lying politicians. Also, since such a low percentage of the Amercan public watched the conventions, how can it have a huge impact? The answer is...IT CAN'T.I think that the American public probably did not check the facts because they either did not notice or the people who noticed know why the information is incorrect. Despite the bad reputation of politians for being liars the American publis goes on trusting them. And if you trust someone you do not go checking their facts because, of course, your candidate is a little angel.

Andrea M.